Monday, July 30, 2012

Welcome to the Sword Society of the Universe!

As an avid sword enthusiast, collector and just a fan of all types of swords--I decided to create this blog and a Facebook page for anyone else who shares my passion for blades.
I'll try to update this blog frequently with pictures, trivia, history, reviews and vendors who sell great swords.
Go ahead and sign up to follow this blog--we'll have a blast!
You can also go to the Sword Society of the Universe Facebook page and click "LIKE."
Most of the info on the Facebook page will mirror this blog, but we can get better interaction through both sites.
If you have anything to share with either site--feel free to!  Anything from pictures of your collection, info, stories, good sword vendors or even product reviews--this is YOUR place, too.

The Sword Society of the Universe is a place for sword enthusiasts of all ages.  Yes, even you 13-year old lurkers are welcome here!  All I ask is that everyone please be respectful of each other.  Here are the things that will not be tolerated here: profanity, flaming, racial comments or anything else that common sense whispers in your ear that is not a good idea to post.

SAFETY FIRST!  While I do not sell swords--this site is all about them.  If you are more than a casual reader and own, or are planning on owning a sword--please remember that swords are deadly weapons.  Yes, even that pot metal display piece you bought at the local flea market can injure yourself or someone else.  This sit has (will have) a bunch of videos and tutorials. Some of them discuss and demonstrate the use of swords.  If you choose to use a sword--do so at your own risk!  I will not be held responsible for anything that you do with a sword, or any injuries you cause by the misuse of a sword.  Please use common sense, read all safety warnings and labels and also practice your swordsmanship in an open area far away from any other people.

This website has also been optimized for mobile devices!  Yep, I like to stay up to date while on the go, too--so I made sure to take care of my followers and casual lurkers, too.